

of the


Adopted by the membership on June 22, 2022.


For such a time as this, we believe God called together a fellowship of His servants to gather in 2022 under the name Kairos Fellowship Church, for the exaltation of God, edification of His Church, and the evangelism of those who have yet to know Jesus Christ as Savior.

The members of Kairos Fellowship Church, through our study of the Scriptures and guidance of the Holy Spirit, have recognized the need for Biblical orthodoxy and Gospel-driven orthopraxy. In our orthodoxy, we affirm there are first degree doctrines that are foundational truths written in Scripture while allowing for interpretation on secondary and tertiary doctrines that still remain true to His inspired Word. In our orthopraxy, we affirm God calls all believers to go and make disciples of all nations and to be a witness of His birth, life, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and return. We acknowledge there exists a tension between orthodoxy and orthopraxy, teaching truth and loving well. Our hope is to do both to the best of our ability by prayerfully depending on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in order to be all things to all people through the love and truth of Christ.

Now therefore we, the members of Kairos Fellowship Church, do hereby organize ourselves by the following Bylaws and shall be subject to, and governed by, the Non-Profit Corporation Act of Texas and the Articles of Incorporation of Kairos Fellowship Church. In the event of a direct conflict between the herein contained provisions of these Bylaws and the mandatory provisions of the Non-Profit Corporation Act of Texas, said Non-Profit Corporation Act shall be the prevailing controlling law. In the event of a direct conflict between the provisions of these Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation of Church, it shall then be these Bylaws which shall be controlling.

Article 1 - Name

The name of this church is: Kairos Fellowship Church, herein referred to as the “Church.”

Article 2 - Affiliation

The Church is an independent, non-denominational body that values Gospel-centered partnership with other churches, organizations, denominations, and communities. We affirm the beauty of diversity and the strength that is found in partnership with those who confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Savior of the world.

Article 3 - Purpose

The purpose of the Church is to be all things to all people through the love and truth of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. In order to achieve this purpose, the Church will focus on:

(1) Exaltation through worship.

(2) Edification through fellowship.

(3) Evangelism through community involvement.

(4) Administering the sacraments of baptism and communion.

(5) Equipping disciples of Christ through Bible study, theology, and application.

(6) Engaging with the world through the way Jesus did – being in the world but

not of the world.

Article 4 - Membership

Membership in the Church is granted upon application to those who, through faith in Jesus Christ, have been born again, have been baptized, desire to live a Christian life bearing the fruit of the Spirit, and aspire to support the total ministry of the Church and to share its fellowship and dreams.

Any member suspected of an error in doctrine or conduct shall be counseled according to the procedure outlined in Matthew 18:15-18, Galatians 6:1 and other relevant scriptures. Another member having knowledge of such error shall, in the spirit of Christian love, seek to restore the brother or sister. If the erring member fails to heed the counsel, then the matter shall be taken to the Board of Directors who shall also seek to restore the erring member. If this is not successful, the erring member shall be brought before the entire membership. If requested or needed, a third party will be contacted and hired to conduct a non-biased investigation of the charges in question. Corrections, including but not limited to, removal of membership and contacting the proper authorities shall then be administered in the spirit of Christ with due regard for the welfare of the individual as well as the Church.

Article 5 - Church Governance

As a church plant, the initial governance of the church will be entrusted to the Board of Directors, herein referred to as the “Initial Directors.” The general administration of the Church shall be vested in the Initial Directors through the affirmation of the members. The Initial Directors shall function to supervise the spiritual life of the Church and consist of no less than three faithful and trusted servants, including the lead pastor.

The Initial Directors shall have the power to organize itself in a manner specified in the bylaws and consistent with effectively operating the Church. They shall be empowered to carry out and delegate other responsibilities as appropriate.

Article 6 - Meetings

1- Worship Meetings

Worship gatherings shall be held on Sundays, and may be held throughout the week as the Church determines. Worship can include but is not limited to praise, reading of Scripture, teaching of Scripture, prayer, and the sacraments.

2 - Initial Directors’ Meetings

The Initial Directors shall meet as needed. A two-thirds attendance is required to officially meet with documentation of the meeting’s minutes (quorum).

3 - Members’ Meetings

There shall be a regular members’ meeting at least quarterly. In every meeting together, members shall act in the spirit of mutual trust, mutual respect, openness, honesty, and with a loving heart toward others in the body.

An Initial Director designated by the directors shall preside as the moderator at all members’ meetings of the Church. A 25% attendance based on the average of the previous quarter is required to officially meet with documentation of the meeting’s minutes (quorum). For an item to pass or be approved, a two-thirds majority vote must be met.

Article 7 - Officers

1 - Summary

The Biblical offices in the church are elders and deacons. In addition, our church recognizes the administrative positions of president, secretary, and treasurer. All officers must be members in good standing of this church prior to assuming their responsibilities.

2 - Pastor

The lead pastor shall be recognized by the Church as an elder, gifted and called to the ministry of preaching, teaching, administering the sacraments, and equipping the saints for ministry.

3 - Elders

In the initial formation of the Church, there will be no official Elders but instead the Initial Directors. Elder training, nomination, and ordination will happen when the church and its members are ready.

4 - Deacons

In the initial formation of the Church, there will be no official Deacons but instead the members. Deacon training, nomination, and ordination will happen when the church and its members are ready.

5 - President

In the initial formation of the Church, the president shall be the pastor who will fulfill the duties stated in Article 7.2.

6 - Secretary

In the initial formation of the Church, the secretary shall be an Initial Director who shall keep and preserve the minutes of all church business meetings and shall conduct and preserve all official correspondence as shall be delegated to the secretary. The secretary shall also be responsible for the official seal and documents of the Church. In order to ensure accurate minutes, another director may assume the duties of the secretary in the event of an absence.

7 - Treasurer

In the initial formation of the Church, the treasurer shall be an Initial Director who shall receive, record, arrange for deposit and transmit a deposit record to the Initial Directors of all funds contributed to the Church. The treasurer shall present a written report of the offering at the members’ meeting and at other appropriate times.

The treasurer shall be responsible to disburse all funds committed by the Church and shall make disbursements as authorized by the Initial Directors. The treasurer shall also present a written report of the expenditures at members’ meetings and at other appropriate times.

8 - The Governance Initiative

The governance initiative shall be prayed over by the members as the Church transitions from the “Initial Plant” phase with such knowledge:

Governance: Elder Advised, Deacon Affirmed, Member Informed.

The future governance of Kairos Fellowship Church will be elder advised, deacon affirmed, and member informed. The Elder Council consists of the elders duly elected by the members of the congregation, along with the pastors. Also, by its own rule, the congregation shall determine the number of elders and their length of service. The minimum number shall be three active elders, including the lead pastor.

Qualification & Role of Members

The qualification of a member is as follows:

-A believer according to Romans 10:9-13

-Actively striving to live out Romans 12:9-21

-Living dependent on the Holy Spirit and His fruit according to Galatians 5:22


The role of a congregation member is as follows:

-Prayer: To pray for Kairos Fellowship Church and its members.

-Present: To be actively present in worship gatherings and other functions of the


-Promote: To promote the health, peace, and unity of the body.

-Affirm: The vision, mission, and core values of Kairos.

-Give: To give time, talent, and treasures joyfully and abundantly.

Qualification & Role of Deacons

The qualification of a deacon is as follows, in addition to a member’s qualification:

-Exemplifies 1 Timothy 3:8-13. No man or woman is perfect. But a diligent, daily pursuit of the aforementioned qualities through the help of the Holy Spirit is the mark of a biblical deacon. Whenever there is failure to exemplify aforementioned qualities, an honest and genuine confession and repentance is encouraged.

-For the married deacon candidate, their spouse must approve and affirm the nomination and qualification.

-A deacon must be 18 years of age.

The role of a deacon is as follows:

-The main role of a deacon is to be a servant, worker, and supporter. These roles often are delegated roles in the church such as facilities, finances, usher, hospitality, and logistics.

-At the heart of a deacon is a passion to do good works that build up the body.

Qualification & Role of Elders

The qualification of an elder is as follows, in addition to a member’s qualification:

-Exemplifies 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9 qualifications. No man or woman is perfect. But a diligent, daily pursuit of the aforementioned qualities through the help of the Holy Spirit is the mark of a biblical elder. Whenever there is failure to exemplify aforementioned qualities, an honest and genuine confession and repentance is encouraged.

-For the married elder candidate, their spouse must approve and affirm the nomination and qualification.

-An elder must be 21 years of age.

The role of an elder is as follows:

-In the New Testament, pastors, elders, overseers, shepherds are all equivalent.

-Elder connotes the person’s dignity and standing.

-Overseer their function and duty.

-Pastor their calling of shepherding, protecting, and feeding of the flock through teaching.

-At the heart of an elder is a deep affection for God’s flock through the depth of God’s love, and a gifting to guide and teach according toScripture.

Article 8 - Elections and Tenure

In the initial formation of the Church, there will be no official election but rather a vote of confidence in the Initial Directors by the members. Their initial tenure shall be a minimum of one year and can be renewed for another year. During this time, the Governance Initiative will be launched and revisions to the bylaws will be written, voted on, and approved by the members.

Article 9 - Property

Upon dissolution of the Church, any assets of the Church must be distributed to one or more organizations to be named by the Initial Directors. These organizations must be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as being organized exclusively for religious purposes.

Article 10 - Amendments

Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed at a members’ meeting. Said amendments may then be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting.

Article 11 - Indemnification

The Church may indemnify any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of the Church) by reason of the fact that such person is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the Church to the fullest extent permitted by law.