About Us


We dream of a church where image bearers

are loved as they are and inspired to be more like Christ.


To be all things to all people through the love and truth of Jesus Christ.

Core values

The Word

We value God’s Word as the authoritative Holy Scriptures, revealing God’s plan of salvation and instructing believers in exaltation, edification, and evangelism. We believe the timeless Word of God is timely and provides guidance for such a time as this.


We value gathering to worship the One, as one. God alone is worthy of our adoration, praise, and affection. We celebrate the gift of worship that unifies the diversity of souls in the Church and points us to the One who saves.


We value every image bearer and their inherent uniqueness that is wonderfully created by God. We appreciate what each person can contribute to Christ’s Church and desire to do all things, whether we eat or drink, for the glory of God.


We value the local community we are a part of and desire to make a Gospel impact through serving, giving, and loving. We treasure our neighbors and want to be faithful ambassadors of Christ within the community God has sent us to.

Soul Care

We value soul care. That means caring for one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We believe in establishing and communicating healthy boundaries and respecting those boundaries. We believe rest is the best soul care at times, so if you just want to rest on a Sunday by missing service, that’s okay. Someone will reach out to you NOT to guilt trip you but to check in on you and ask if there’s anything we can do to help. We are not about shaming or judging or gaslighting. We are about empathy, compassion, and healing.

Kairos values


We value inter-ethnic, inter-cultural, and inter-generational interactions. The prefix inter- is intentionally used versus multi- or cross- because we value the development of deeper relationships where everyone learns from one another instead of assimilating.

Anti-Anti-Gospel (You read that right)

We value fighting against anything that is anti-Gospel. We are anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-misogyny, anti-abuse, anti-injustice, anti-territorialism, and anti-indoctrination. Racism, sexism, classism, and injustice (and too much more) have been rampantly celebrated and disturbingly excused in and by the church. We refuse to be complicit and will stand against the dehumanization of image bearers.


We value being trauma-informed and creating a safe space for all – especially a space where the marginalized are centered, where the voiceless have a voice, where the abused are comforted, and where the victims of injustice will be protected. With broken hearts, we admit Christians and their churches have harmed and persecuted the LGBTQIA+ community, divorced single parents, and the spiritually abused, among many others. We refuse to be silent and strive to be a place where all are loved and embraced. We’re not perfect but we’ll admit our imperfections and do our best to be a safe space for you.

Therapy & Counseling

We value receiving therapy and counseling. Mental health is healthcare. Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and suicidal ideations are real struggles. It does not mean you are lacking faith or a “bad Christian.” If that’s what you’ve heard before, we are so sorry – that’s just toxic. It means you’re human, just like everyone else. It means you’re struggling, just like everyone else. Pastors and fellow church members can do their best to walk with you, but receiving therapy from a professionally trained counselor can begin your journey of holistic healing. We’re all about that kind of soul care.